Merry Christmas. Thanks to everyone who was a part of Mission Adventures this year.
Here are 5 new, never been done before in Mission Adventures, highlights of 2010.

1. A Youth pastor had naughty pictures drawn on his face in a village by locals – with assistance from the team… We are still not sure if that was a highlight for the year or a low light! 🙂

2. We went with Hamilton Christian school to Samoa and worked down on the Tsunami coast… kind of like rescue workers but much cooler!

3.We awarded our first ‘Nerd of the Day’ to a person outside the team. That was taken away by an older lady in Cambodia who almost broke her neck showing off, but it was totally awesome to witness.

4.We worked in a village who ate the missionaries sent to them 100 years ago. Apparently that’s why they are still shy when outsiders come into their community now.

5.Like Bill gates who hires people more smarter than himself to make his company better, this year we have done the same by getting people much cooler than us to lead teams. Thanks Eric Mailau, Erana Pound, and Jed & Kayla Olsen for making Mission Adventures great.

Thanks Fleur Hanner and Dave Bosma for your ongoing serving too – you guys have been cool for ages!

Additional points unique to 2010:
1 dog bite;
1 scabies infection (wasn’t scabies but looked gross);
3 marriage proposals;
around 1 metric tonne of ‘lap lap’ consumed…well it seemed that much;
numerous spider incidents that involved squealing ( inc males – Jo);
0 toilet accidents (thanks Jesus);
8 Outreaches
& lots of God…
and working through kiwis around NZ. In Cambodia, Fiji, Samoa and Vanuatu.

Feel free to add your own highlights too.