Mission Adventures is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM). Here is the story of how YWAM began…
In 1960, God gave a vision to a young man named Loren Cunningham. This vision was of the waves of the ocean crashing into the continents of the world. Those waves turned into thousands of young people, covering the continents of the world, each wave progressing a little farther than the one before. Using Mark 16:15 as his guide, which says, “Go into all the world and preach to good news to all creation,” Loren founded Youth With A Mission.
After many years of successful short-term outreaches, Loren saw the need for training and began a School of Evangelism held in Lausanne, Switzerland. Since this first school in 1970, YWAM has grown hugely. Today, the most common area of training is the Discipleship Training School (DTS), attracting thousands of students each year. YWAM also has a worldwide university system, the University of the Nations, with headquarters in Kona, Hawaii, and extension campuses in over 40 nations.
Geographically, YWAM has over 750 separate operating locations in 135 nations with over 12,000 full-time staff. In addition, thousands more people are involved each year on a short-term basis. This international, interdenominational movement attracts people from a wide range of cultures, ethnicities and backgrounds, all working towards the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Three main areas of emphasis can be seen in YWAM:
Evangelism – Spreading God’s message
Training – Preparing workers to reach others
Mercy – Showing God’s love through practical assistance
For more information on Youth With A Mission, check out the following websites by clicking below:
YWAM New Zealand
YWAM International