There has been a few people around lately talking about burn out and tiredness in ministry. On one hand, taking self care to the extreme is as bad as not having any care of ones self at all, but I do think there is a middle line. It’s always sad to see people in ministry burn out and leave disillusioned but it still happens. I wonder what God thinks when He tries so hard to actually help us into obedience and then we end up going ‘awol’ and falling off the other side, exhausted.
Ministry often encompasses so many facets, and a typical day in ministry can range from admin, to counselling, to practical assistance all in a couple of hours. So we need to make sure we are getting rest. Jesus often took time out to get away from the crowds (and disciples) to connect with God and he was more awesome than most of us…

Dan Sheed (a great guy from North Shore Vineyard) has also been thinking along the same lines, read here for a continuing theme and a video link of Rob Bell.

It is a tragic waste if all we get out of what life throws at us, is a bitter attitude