We recently received the following update from the Joy of Cambodia ministry. A great team from Wanganui Central Baptist Church recently spent some time with the children from the school there, teaching English, playing games and washing their hair, as well as an unforgettable day at the local water park…

“On 26 July, we have a special support from the team at Wanganui in Cambodia who come from New Zealand, to bring our kids at the center to Phnom Penh Water Park. They send the bus to pick up the children and the staffs to the water park. This is a very first time in the children’s life to come to the water park and some of them even the first time to ride on the bus. They really enjoy and are exiting with this new experience at the park. Thank you so much to the team from Wanganui for making this fund and great time for the children.”

Thearith and Charia
Joy of Cambodia